NAFAS National Associates of Honour Revealed
Two new NAFAS National Associates of Honour awarded to members of the Wessex & Jersey Area of NAFAS were revealed today by Area Chairman, Pip Bensley
Pip said "I am really delighted to be able to announce that TWO Wessex and Jersey members have been honoured with a NAFAS National Associate of Honour.
This is the top award that can be given by NAFAS and is awarded for exemplary work at both National and Area Level.
They have been awarded to Debbie Wadge (for her work within the Finance, Shows and Judging Teams) and Mala Williams (for her work in Education and as a NAFAS trustee). They will formally be awarded at the NAFAS National AGM in the autumn, but we will also celebrate these at our September Council Meeting where I will read you the full nominations.
I know you will want to join me in congratulating both of them on behalf of us all - we are extremely proud of them both - and we are delighted to see all their hard work being recognised!"