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Speakers Test 2025

This Autumn the Wessex and Jersey Area hope to start a Speakers’ Training Course with a view to the candidates taking their Area Test in the Autumn of 2025.  If you have a subject in which you have expertise or are particularly interested or even passionate about this is your opportunity to pass on your fascination and knowledge.  You may love a particular flower or be inspired by a designer, whoever, or whatever it is, this will interest and inspire others.

The thought might be slightly terrifying at first.  However, once you are underway there should really be no problems, it is just practise that will make it perfect.  Choose a subject you really enjoy and are passionate about and your enthusiasm will shine through.  It is necessary to thoroughly research the subject matter, this may take a bit of time but will give you a greater knowledge and a wider horizon.  There will be suggestions on how to use PowerPoint as many of us use projectors which saves carrying around props.

The course will be taught by experienced Instructors over this period with 6-8 training days held in local halls.  It will be necessary to attend at least 3 certificated days before you attempt the test.  We have a Mock Test which will then be followed by the Area Speakers Test a few weeks later. 

The tests will be attended by a fully qualified Adjudicator together with a trainee.  These will be held in the Autumn.  Having a gap between the tests gives the candidates time to iron out any glitches that crop up in the Mock Test.

We also have an Area Refresher Day once every three years to keep you updated.  Meanwhile the National Committee will offer further training in IT and other matters.  Once you are qualified you may wish to go on to be a National Speaker requiring further training which will again be given by qualified Instructors.

No two talks are the same.  It is tremendous fun travelling around the various clubs meeting like-minded people who will come along to enjoy your talk.

Gill Pelton - Speakers’ Representative

10 April

Members Day 2024

9 October

President's Lunch