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Area Show

  • Broughton Village Hall Broughton, England, SO20 8AX United Kingdom (map)

The Area Show team are really loking forward to welcoming you to Broughton. L-R Lynn MacKenzie, Donna Savage, Debbie Wadge, Martina Coleman & Val Hockley. Andrea Hillyard is also on the team.

Our next Area show is taking place on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November 2024 with staging on Thursday 7th November.

It is taking place at Broughton Village Hall, High Street, Broughton SO20 8AX. It’s bright, warm and welcoming feel makes it an ideal venue for us to use, to hold an intimate and friendly show. Which aims to be all about our members and encouraging them to come and take part or to come and visit the show.

We have flower competitions, photography competitions, catering, a wonderful “sweet treats” tombola and not forgetting our fabulous sales table.

However to make this a fabulous show we need your help and we need this in acouple of ways.

Firstly by taking part:

Entering - encourage members to enter the competitions, maybe for the very first time. Everyone needs a little bit of confidence to enter, be the person to help them gain that confidence. We have organised a “hotline” for all competitors, our Judges have agreed to be available to answer any queries or questions you may have regarding competing. Any queries on the schedule itself Martina Coleman, the competitions secretary is available to answer any question. We want everyone to be happy taking part and confident.

Visiting - arrange a trip maybe you can bring a few cars and see the wonderful designs and partake of the wonderful catering and catch up with friends across the Area.

Secondly financially, are you able to:

Sponsor - Sponsor a class for £30

Tombola Please can you help make our tombola a sweet success by donating boxes of chocolates, sweets, or even a single bar
of chocolate. Every little helps and will be greatly appreciated. (All in sell by date please!!)

Please can you ask your club members to collect donations at your club meetings or give to Marion Catt, Debbie Wadge and
Andrea Hillyard. Andrea may be able to visit you to collect items. Please contact her on 07803 584 243/

If you are unable to send a prize you can still sponsor some prizes for the tombola for between £5 and £10. Payment can be made to the Area bank account. Account Name: Wessex and Jersey Area of NAFAS. Account Number: 30383953. Sort Code: 20 97 01. Reference: AShow

Thank you for your generosity and support!

Don’t miss out on the fun and the chance to win some delicious prizes for Christmas.

Debbie Wadge - Area Show Chairman

8 November

Area Show Schedule

22 November

AGM & Demonstration